Series Content

Over the next six weeks, one of our pastors will dive into biblical truths to help you understand what it means to be ALL IN and challenge you to living fully surrendered to Jesus. Our hope is that you would begin to prayerfully ask the Lord what step He wants you to take during this series, and as you do, you can reference each week's message or engage in discussion questions with your small group during the week.

Week 1

The Treasure Of Following Jesus

In this episode, Sean helps us discover the treasure of following Jesus and challenges us to trust him specifically in the area of our finances. As a church, it’s our hope and prayer that the heart of Athens Church would be a group of people fully surrendered to Jesus. Yet we know that none of us drift toward a life of surrender. We all battle the sinful flesh within us, the broken world around us, and a spiritual enemy who despises us. So, we need all the help we can get in order to practice the way of Jesus. We need community. We need worship. We need inspiration, and we need challenge. That’s what this ALL IN series is about. It’s about all of us moving into a more eternally focused life- a life lived fully surrendered to Jesus.

Week 2

Let Go Of Fear To Trust God

In this episode, Stephen helps us understand that God is worthy of our trust because He's bigger than our fear, which when it comes to our finances, to trust Him fully means to trust Him financially. As a church, it’s our hope and prayer that the heart of Athens Church would be a group of people fully surrendered to Jesus. Yet we know that none of us drift toward a life of surrender. We all battle the sinful flesh within us, the broken world around us, and a spiritual enemy who despises us. So, we need all the help we can get in order to practice the way of Jesus. We need community. We need worship. We need inspiration, and we need challenge. That’s what this ALL IN series is about. It’s about all of us moving into a more eternally focused life- a life lived fully surrendered to Jesus.

Week 3

How To Prioritize Eternity Financially

In this episode, Stephen helps us understand how to prioritize eternity in our finances, and when we choose to prioritize eternity in our finances, that's where we become generous. As a church, it’s our hope and prayer that the heart of Athens Church would be a group of people fully surrendered to Jesus. Yet we know that none of us drift toward a life of surrender. We all battle the sinful flesh within us, the broken world around us, and a spiritual enemy who despises us. So, we need all the help we can get in order to practice the way of Jesus. We need community. We need worship. We need inspiration, and we need challenge. That’s what this ALL IN series is about. It’s about all of us moving into a more eternally focused life- a life lived fully surrendered to Jesus.

Week 4

Taking A Risk With Money

In this episode, Sean acknowledges that oftentimes when we talk about money there's a sense of risk, yet he helps us understand that we are actually just meant to be good stewards of the money that we're given, as money is a good gift from our heavenly Father. As a church, it’s our hope and prayer that the heart of Athens Church would be a group of people fully surrendered to Jesus. Yet we know that none of us drift toward a life of surrender. We all battle the sinful flesh within us, the broken world around us, and a spiritual enemy who despises us. So, we need all the help we can get in order to practice the way of Jesus. We need community. We need worship. We need inspiration, and we need challenge. That’s what this ALL IN series is about. It’s about all of us moving into a more eternally focused life- a life lived fully surrendered to Jesus.

Week 5

David Nasser's Story

As a church, it’s our hope and prayer that the heart of Athens Church would be a group of people fully surrendered to Jesus. Yet we know that none of us drift toward a life of surrender. We all battle the sinful flesh within us, the broken world around us, and a spiritual enemy who despises us. So, we need all the help we can get in order to practice the way of Jesus. We need community. We need worship. We need inspiration, and we need challenge. That’s what this ALL IN series is about. It’s about all of us moving into a more eternally focused life- a life lived fully surrendered to Jesus.

Week 6

Living Fully Surrendered To Jesus

In this episode, Sean challenges you to take a step in your finances as a way to live fully surrendered to Jesus. Are you ready to be ALL IN? As a church, it’s our hope and prayer that the heart of Athens Church would be a group of people fully surrendered to Jesus. Yet we know that none of us drift toward a life of surrender. We all battle the sinful flesh within us, the broken world around us, and a spiritual enemy who despises us. So, we need all the help we can get in order to practice the way of Jesus. We need community. We need worship. We need inspiration, and we need challenge. That’s what this ALL IN series is about. It’s about all of us moving into a more eternally focused life- a life lived fully surrendered to Jesus. You can still commit at