9:15am | 11:00am
God wants such an intimate relationship with us that we’ll trust Him to lead every part of our lives.
Discussion Questions
Start Talking
Share about a time in your life when you were living for temporary satisfaction.
Was living that way fulfilling or did it leave you feeling empty?
Five minutes after you die, what will you have wished you had given away when you still had the chance?
What is keeping you from going ahead and giving that away now?
How does the prospect of living a life focused more on giving than on keeping appeal to you?
Read This
Read Matthew 6:24
What does this verse have to say about serving two masters?
How have you felt the tension between serving God and serving money in your life?
Read Luke 8:14
What chokes out the ability to hear and obey God’s Word according to this verse?
What examples do you have of life’s worries and/or pleasures keeping you from being obedient to God?
Read Mark 10:17-24
What was Jesus’ emotional response to the man in verse 21?
How does the fact that Jesus looked on him with love frame what Jesus asked of him?
In verse 22 it says that the man walked away sad. Why was he sad?
Read Matthew 13:44
How different is the response of the man in this parable compared to the man in Mark we just read about?
Why was one willing to give up all he had and the other one wasn’t?
What Now
Do you tend to be more like the man in Mark who went away sad because he did not believe that he would find a greater treasure in following Jesus than in holding on to his wealth- or are you more like the man in Matthew who could see the great treasure that lay before him and gave up all he had to obtain it?
When it comes to our giving, how can we balance respecting privacy and not being prideful with obeying God’s instructions to let our light shine and spur each other on towards love and good deeds?
What is your next step?
What has God been speaking to you through this series?
What has He called you to do to be more generous?
A disciple is a person who has decided that the most important thing in their life is to learn how to do what Jesus said to do. - Dallas Willard
Additional Series Resources
Bible Reading Plan
Podcast: The Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God by Justin Brierley
Book: The Treasure Principle by Randy Alcorn
Song: Better Hands by Pat Barrett