Visiting a new church can be tricky, so we want to make it as easy as possible.

We've designed this page to help you find the best Sunday to attend Athens Church.

Pick a Time

We have services at 9:15 AM and 11:00 AM each Sunday. Pick the time that's best for you.

Register Your Kids

You can simplify your experience if register your kids now.

Register Your Kids

Want to know what's going on around here?

Just click any of the boxes below to see what's happening in each environment—from babies through adults—that week!



Our environment for our youngest kids is called Waumba Land. In Waumba Land, kids experience loving small group leaders who have received a background check. This happens in a beautiful environment that's clean and safe. This week we'll be teaching your kids "Jesus loves everyone" They'll be hearing the story of The Good Helper from Luke 10:25–37.

Elementary School

Kindergarten-5th Grade

Our environment for our elementary-age kids is called UpStreet. In UpStreet, kids experience consistent small group leaders who have received a background check. This happens in an exciting environment that's safe and fun. This week we'll be teaching your kids "Lying always hurts someone." They'll be hearing the story of Jacob and Esau from Genesis 27:1–38.

Middle School

6th–8th Grade

Our environment for our middle school students is called Transit. In Transit, students experience consistent small group leaders who have received a background check. This happens in a fun environment with other students their age.

High School

9th–12th Grade

Our environment for high school students is called InsideOut. In InsideOut, students experience consistent small group leaders who have received a background check. This happens in a engaging environment where make friends and grow in their faith. This week we'll be teaching your students "Come see and share what God has done at the mix!" from Psalm 32:11.


The worship experience usually lasts one hour. We have meaningful worship, a helpful message from the Bible, and inspiring stories of life change.



Our environment for our youngest kids is called Waumba Land. In Waumba Land, kids experience loving small group leaders who have received a background check. This happens in a beautiful environment that's clean and safe. This week we'll be teaching your kids "We can show Jesus we love him." They'll be hearing the story of The Woman and the Perfume from Luke 7:36–50.

Elementary School

Kindergarten-5th Grade

Our environment for our elementary-age kids is called UpStreet. In UpStreet, kids experience consistent small group leaders who have received a background check. This happens in an exciting environment that's safe and fun. This week we'll be teaching your kids "God wants us to be generous." They'll be hearing the story of Generosity from 1 Timothy 6:18.

Middle School

6th–8th Grade

Our environment for our middle school students is called Transit. In Transit, students experience consistent small group leaders who have received a background check. This happens in a fun environment with other students their age.

High School

9th–12th Grade

Our environment for high school students is called InsideOut. In InsideOut, students experience consistent small group leaders who have received a background check. This happens in a engaging environment where make friends and grow in their faith. This week we'll be teaching your students "As God’s adopted children, we are called to live in freedom, not return to bondage." from Galatians 4:6-7.


The worship experience usually lasts one hour. We have meaningful worship, a helpful message from the Bible, and inspiring stories of life change.



Our environment for our youngest kids is called Waumba Land. In Waumba Land, kids experience loving small group leaders who have received a background check. This happens in a beautiful environment that's clean and safe. This week we'll be teaching your kids "Jesus can help my friends." They'll be hearing the story of The Four Friends from Mark 2:1–12.

Elementary School

Kindergarten-5th Grade

Our environment for our elementary-age kids is called UpStreet. In UpStreet, kids experience consistent small group leaders who have received a background check. This happens in an exciting environment that's safe and fun. This week we'll be teaching your kids "If you have a little or if you have a lot, just give.." They'll be hearing the story of The Widow’s Offering from Mark 12:41–44.

Middle School

6th–8th Grade

Our environment for our middle school students is called Transit. In Transit, students experience consistent small group leaders who have received a background check. This happens in a fun environment with other students their age.

High School

9th–12th Grade

Our environment for high school students is called InsideOut. In InsideOut, students experience consistent small group leaders who have received a background check. This happens in a engaging environment where make friends and grow in their faith. This week we'll be teaching your students "Walking in the Spirit produces true freedom and the fruit of a transformed life." from Galatians 5:1, 22-23.


The worship experience usually lasts one hour. We have meaningful worship, a helpful message from the Bible, and inspiring stories of life change.