The Treasure Of Following Jesus

January 7, 2024 | Sean Seay

Jesus is worthy to follow & worth aligning with His mission.

Discussion Questions

Start Talking 

  • What is the greatest treasure you have ever owned?

    • How did you come to own this treasure? Was it given to you or did you work for it?

  • What would you have done if you were the man in the story who found the great treasure on someone else’s land?

    • Would you have taken it knowing that no one knew about it?

    • Would you have put it back and kept living your life?

    • Would you have sold all you have so that you could purchase the land and own the treasure?

  • What is the biggest sacrifice you have ever made in order to obtain some future goal or treasure?

  • Sean said, “Our fear of death is directly connected to our lack of confidence in eternity.”  What feelings or thoughts come up inside of you when you hear this statement?

Read This

  • Read Matthew 13:44

    • Was the field valuable in and of itself?

    • What made the field so valuable that the man gave up all he had to buy it?

    • Some commentaries on this verse state that the treasure is the gospel and the man is us finding the gospel and giving up all to obtain it. Other commentaries state that the treasure is us and the man is Jesus who gave up everything to save us. Discuss the different interpretations and how each of them is an example of going ALL IN.

  • Read Matthew 19:21

    • What does Jesus tell the man in this verse to do?

    • What perspective is Jesus asking the man to have- the here and now earthly perspective or the eternal heavenly perspective?

    • Which perspective do you tend to rely on? Why?

What Now

  • The story of Jim & Elisabeth Elliot is a beautiful example of going ALL IN to follow Jesus. Share your reaction to their story. 

    • Does it scare you (am I going to be asked to give my life or move to another country)? 

    • Does it excite you (what will I be able to do, who will I be able to influence)?

  • Most of us will never be called to do what the Elliots did, but we are all called to go ALL IN and follow Jesus. What are some ways that you know that you need to go ALL IN for Jesus but you have hesitated?

  • Sean said, “God is not trying to take your treasure, He wants to maximize it.”  Do you believe this to be true?  why or why not?  

  • When someone mentions giving financially to the church or a ministry, what is your gut-level response?

    • Why do you think that you struggle with giving financially yet are excited to give of your time, pray with others, share the gospel, etc.?

    • What is it about money that we become so possessive with it? 

    • What step of obedience do you need to take this week to trust God with your finances?

  • Let’s pray together and ask God how he would have us to give to be ALL IN for him. 

“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” - Jim Elliot

Additional Series Resources

Bible Reading Plan

Song: Bless God by Brooke Ligertwood

Book: Through Gates of Splendor by Elisabeth Elliot

Book: The Treasure Principle by Randy Alcorn