Taking A Risk With Money

January 28, 2024 | Sean Seay

The greatest risk is doing nothing. 

Discussion Questions

Start Talking 

  • As you think about your life, has there been much risk involved?

  • Do you tend to be a risk taker or more risk-averse?

  • What makes taking a risk worth it to you?

Read This

  • Read Matthew 25:14-30

    • Why do you think the master gave each of the servants a different amount to steward while he was away?

    • In verse 16, when does it say the servant went and put his money to work?

      • Why would this be important?

      • Why would it be important in our lives to immediately obey what God has told us to do instead of waiting?

    • What was the master’s response to the two servants who had managed his money well?

    • What was the master’s response to the servant who hid the money?

What Now

  • What ability has God given you that He intends you to use for Him, that His kingdom might increase?

    • Ability to make money, ability to make smart investments, ability to manage money well, etc.

  • What responsibilities has God given you concerning the money He has given you?

    • Who has God called you to take care of and provide for?

    • What has God said about living your life generously? (Proverbs 11:25)

    • What has God said about your needs and cares? (Matthew 6:25-34)

  • How does knowing you are accountable to God for all He has given you change the way you view your money? (2 Corinthians 5:10)

  • What steps do you need to take today to be obedient to God in your finances?

    • What ability has God given you that you need to use for His kingdom?

    • How do you need to be more responsible with what He has given you?

  • Take some time as a group to pray about what God is asking you to do with your giving.

We cannot say we are ALL IN following Jesus, if He isn’t Lord of our financial lives.

Additional Series Resources

Bible Reading Plan

Book: The Treasure Principle by Randy Alcorn