Let Go Of Fear To Trust God

January 14, 2024 | Stephen Sowell

Full surrender requires full trust. 

Discussion Questions

Start Talking 

  • Would you define yourself as typically a trusting person or a suspicious person?

  • Think of a time when your trust in someone was broken. 

    • How did that affect your ability to trust that person again?

    • How did that affect your ability to trust anyone again?

    • What did you do to learn to trust again?

  • If you have a hard time trusting others, what/who do you put your trust in?

Read This

  • Read Ecclesiastes 2: 10-12

    • What does Solomon say in this verse was the result of his toil- all he had earned and worked for?

    • Have you ever had a season of life where you felt like you were chasing after the wind, and money was the cause?

  • Read Proverbs 3:5-6

    • What does this passage say God will do if you trust Him fully?

    • Do you believe that God is a giver or a taker?

    • What do you think about Stephen's statement "to trust God fully is to trust Him financially?"  

What Now

  • What comes to mind when you think about God?

  • How does your view of God impact your level of trust in Him?

  • Share about a time when you have trusted God in something other than finances and He was faithful.

    • Does remembering God’s faithfulness in that situation help you trust Him financially?

    • If not, what makes trusting Him with your finances different from other situations?

  • When have you trusted God financially and seen Him be faithful?

  • How can we as a group encourage you today to trust God fully with your finances?

To trust him fully means to trust Him financially.

Additional Series Resources

Bible Reading Plan

Song: Trust in God by Steven Furtick, Chris Brown, Brandon Lake, Mitch Wong

Book: The Treasure Principle by Randy Alcorn