David Nasser's Story
February 4, 2024 | David Nasser
A Surrendered life to Jesus is an ALL IN life.
Discussion Questions
Start Talking
What is your first reaction to the word surrender?
David Nasser, “God is so much bigger than my inaccurate prayers.” When was a time you prayed for something and God didn’t answer it as you asked or even wanted but He answered better or bigger?
David also said, “God is bigger than your wrong motives.” When was a time where you had “wrong motives” and God worked anyways?
Have you ever felt like God was hurting you when looking back he was actually helping you?
David mentioned that he was searching for belong and acceptance. When have you been willing to conform to fit in and belong?
Read This
Isaiah 41:9&10
Matthew 16:26
Romans 12:2
What does it mean to be conformed to this world?
What does it mean to transform our mind?
You can know God’s will for your life, how is God showing you His will in your life right now?
What Now
David said “KINDNESS is the superpower of surrender.”
What do you think about this statement?
Have you seen this at work in your life? explain.
Where can you show more kindness between Sundays?
Your God is who/what you surrender to most.
How do the following statements resonate with you?
“Believers” actually being believable.
Grace actually being gracious.
Christians actually acting “Christ-like”?
If you can turn your “Christianity” on and off you have never really turned it on.
You are all in or you are not in.
In light of all we have discussed in this series so far, where are you with being All In, as it pertains to your finances?
We cannot say we are ALL IN following Jesus, if He isn’t Lord of our financial lives.
Additional Series Resources
For more information about David Nasser’s Ministry davidnasser.com
Bible Reading Plan
Book: The Treasure Principle by Randy Alcorn