How To Prioritize Eternity Financially

January 21, 2024 | Stephen Sowell

Your perspective determines your priorities.

Discussion Questions

Start Talking 

  • Do you view money as a source of security?

    • How does that play out in the decisions you make in life?

  • How much is enough to make you feel secure?

    • In what ways have you noticed “enough” turns into “not enough”?

Read This

  • Read Luke 12: 13-21

    • When you read verses 13-14 do you feel like the man is being greedy or just wanting what is rightly his?

    • Why do you think that Jesus called him greedy?

    • Jesus goes on to tell a parable in response to the man’s request in verses 16-21.

      • What does the parable say about storing up more and more for ourselves?

      • Why does God call this man a fool for doing so?

  • Read John 14:1-6

    • What is Jesus describing for us here in this passage?

    • What comes to your mind when Jesus says He is going to prepare a place for you?

      • Does that excite you? 

What Now

  • As followers of Jesus, our ultimate hope is eternity with God. 

    • How does that affect the way we should live our lives?

  • What do you believe heaven will be like?

    • Do you believe that it will be better than life here on earth now?

    • Do you believe it is worth prioritizing?

  • What happens when we prioritize our financial life around eternity with God?

    • How does viewing ourselves as the manager not the owner of our finances impact what we do with our money?

    • Do you struggle with believing that you will have enough money for what you need in life?

    • How would living a life of generosity change the way you view your money?

  • Tell about a time that generosity changed your life either as the giver or the receiver.

When we prioritize around eternity we experience security.

Additional Series Resources

Bible Reading Plan

Song: First Things First by Consumed by Fire

Book: The Treasure Principle by Randy Alcorn