Service Times

You’re invited to join us at 9:15 a.m. or 11:00 a.m. Choose a time and add it to your calendar.

Location in the Shopping Center

Once you park in the Beechwood Shopping Center, there are multiple ways to approach & enter the Athens Church auditorium & family ministry environments. Click below to enlarge the map.


We all know that navigating the Beechwood parking lot can be challenging. With many of our surrounding business neighbors being closed or opening later on Sundays, there will be more spaces available and less congestion in the parking lot. However, we do recommend entering and exiting using the entrances off Broad Street and Riverhill Drive to minimize traffic at the Alps Road-Baxter Street intersection. Click below to enlarge the map.

Beechwood Team

Stephen Sowell

Beechwood Campus Pastor

Mary Glenn Bowen

Waumba Land Director

Ginni Maxwell

UpStreet Director

Daniel Amable

Director of Student Ministries

Naemah Bonhomme

Student Ministry LDP

Ben Ramsey

Service Programming Director

Jarrett Broome

Guest Services Resident

What to Expect

We’d love to have you and your crew join us for church one Sunday. Here’s a little bit of what to expect:

  • Services last about 65-minutes.
  • The two services (9:15 and 11:00am) are identical and include dynamic worship music and helpful biblical teaching.
  • Each service time also features relevant environments for PreK – high school.
  • College students and adults attend together in the auditorium.
  • Dress is casual, so be yourself (a whole lot of people will be in jeans).
  • Parking and Guest Services volunteers will help you find where you need to go.